rtSurvey Features
rtSurvey was designed with efficiency and practicality in mind based on our in-field experiences. With our advanced features, collecting large amounts of data is no longer a hurdle.
Explore each feature below.
Before Running a Survey

Customize & organize your surveys
- Design forms through XLSForm
- Organize & track new & different versions of forms
- Make changes to your forms without altering your existing dataset
- Establish constraints & data validation on survey questions

Manage users and roles with customized permissions
Create & monitor member user accounts & teams
Grant access & assign permissions for specific forms & features
Oversee user access & registered devices
Ensure accountability by linking one user account per device
While Running a Survey

Collect data efficiently online or offline
Complete the surveys via webform or mobile app
Save, revise, and upload completed forms from mobile app to server
iOS and Android mobile app capability

Ensure clean data with quality assurance (QA)
Manage edit requests on completed form submissions
Check data submission against set QA rules
Automatic backup data collected on mobile app
Synchronize forms and import/export collected data between users
Throughout the Survey Process

Maintain real-time communication
Chat with team members via website or mobile app
Send notifications and documents to users

Set quality control rules
Use R scripts through R Markdown & Shiny to prevent unintentionally miscapturing data

Generate analytics & reports
Produce clean data automatically
Export real-time reports
Export datasets in raw CSV, labelled Stata dataset, or PDF codebooks

Integrate your data with third-party tools and software
Integration with R & Stata
R script capability
API integration to access form data with other platforms
Aid your data collection with mobile app-specific features:
Edit & review completed forms
Edit & review completed forms before submitting. Request to make edits on submitted forms. Synchronize and transfer data across devices
Multi-function response support
Multi-function response support: location, audio, images, video, barcodes, signatures, multiple-choice, free text, and numeric answers
Jot down notes & observations
Jot down notes & observations, including in-app drawing, photo capturing, voice recording, offline map access
Floating rtSurvey “home
Floating rtSurvey “home” button (Android only). Easy access to rtSurvey Home, Settings, Notifications, Map, Phone, Messaging, and Notes without having to exit or leave your current program or screen
Floating calculator & measurement converters
Floating calculator & measurement converters (Android only). Converters: area, speed, length, temperature, mass, volume, exchange rate. Basic & scientific calculator access included
Floating chatheads
Floating chatheads (Android only).