Why Switch to rtSurvey?
Cut down arbitrary costs on data collection and analyses
No need for paper forms, laborious data entry, or manual data cleaning! rtSurvey has built in these features to make data collection a low-cost effort.

Minimize time spent collecting and processing data in the field
Do the prep work from the comforts of your home through our website. With the rtSurvey mobile app, you can easily coordinate and communicate with your team members to collect data in both online and offline settings.
Get quality, accurate data as soon as the form is submitted
Instantly submit your completed records to the Server with an Internet connection. rtSurvey will automatically populate real-time data for easy access to data.

Access powerful insights through instant report generation.
Customize R scripts through R Markdown & Shiny to create beautiful data visualizations with the data collected.
Our Partners & Clients
“Tablet-based surveys would not have been possible without the great support and services provided by Real-Time Analytics (RTA). Our appreciation in particular goes to RTA Director Dr. Lê Đặng Trung and his associates, for the days and nights they spent working to ensure that the 2015 PAPI tablet-based survey worked, the website operated smoothly, real-time data collection functioned and that field support services were available every day.”